Biden continues his intellectually dishonest claims. Most recent is his claim that he has had the largest wage gains in recent history. While factually correct from a narrow perspective, it is wildly misleading in its broad intended context. If you include the inflation under the Biden administration you see that REAL wages (the wages that we all really care about) have actually fallen 0.21% per month under Biden. This is significantly less than the increase seen under Trump.
Wages DROP under Biden
Wages DROP under Biden
Wages DROP under Biden
Biden continues his intellectually dishonest claims. Most recent is his claim that he has had the largest wage gains in recent history. While factually correct from a narrow perspective, it is wildly misleading in its broad intended context. If you include the inflation under the Biden administration you see that REAL wages (the wages that we all really care about) have actually fallen 0.21% per month under Biden. This is significantly less than the increase seen under Trump.