This is Sad

The Brown Opinion Project recently asked their undergraduates: Do you think America is the greatest country in the world?
Only 12.9 percent of undergraduates answered yes, while 74.7 percent answered no.
This isn’t a surprise with the false narratives that Democrats and liberals embrace and propagate.
Hannah Nicole Jones and the New York Times continue to push the false narrative that slavery was the centerpiece of America’s Founding and also the very reason for the American Revolution. Actually slavery was very contentious at the time of the revolution and Constitution and it was only “the Great Compromise” between the Northern and Southern states that allowed this country to form. This tension remained a crucible of discontent that resulted in the Civil War where over 650,000 Northerners (equivalent to over 9 MILLION of todays US population) died to end slavery.
And then you have left wing “historians” like Howard Zinn that look at specific times of history and then focus on a single narrow negative aspect to conclude and EDUCATE students that America’s history is horribly negative. Yes, if you look at Columbus and the effect of Europeans coming to America it was horrible for Native Americans. But in context, in the history of the world, it is far from unsual that a much lower technology population be displaced by a much higher technology population when new lands were discovered.
I believe America is the greatest country in the world because of the freedom and opportunities it provides to ALL. And yes I believe in American exceptionalism.