Stop the Lying

We're constrained by law on some areas of rail regulation (like the braking rule withdrawn by the Trump administration in 2018 because of a law passed by Congress in 2015), but we are using the powers we do have to keep people safe.
The Obana law with the braking rule, FAST, would not have applied to the East Palestine train but i will still share the following to obfuscate the situation to avoid any responsibility. We're constrained by law on some areas of rail regulation like the Obama FAST law that required the braking rule to be withdrawn if it was found by the DOT to not be justified. The DOT found that the breaking rule was not justified and as required by the Obama law, withdrew the rule in 2017.
The Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act or the FAST Act is a funding and authorization bill to govern United States federal surface transportation spending. It was passed by Congress on December 3, 2015, and President Barack Obama signed it on the following day.
Section 7311 of the Act specifically mandates the study and testing of ECP brake systems, focusing on requirements that were promulgated under the HM-251 final rule. Furthermore, the FAST Act instructs the Department of Transportation to incorporate the results of the Government Accountability Office's (GAO) evaluations and the testing of ECP brake systems by the National Academy of Sciences into an updated regulatory impact analysis (RIA) of the ECP brake system requirements, and to solicit public comment on the updated RIA. Additionally, the FAST Act required that within two years of the mandate, the DOT must determine, based on the updated RIA, whether the ECP brake system requirements in the HM-251 final rule were
In 2017 the DOT followed the Obama law and eliminated the ECO braking requirement due to a lack of justification.
And NOTE The ECP braking rule would’ve applied ONLY to HIGH HAZARD FLAMMABLE TRAINS. The train that derailed in East Palestine was a MIXED FREIGHT TRAIN containing only 3 placarded Class 3 flammable liquids cars.
While there were several important accomplishments under Trump (SCOTUS judges, lower taxes, javelins for Ukraine, WARP speed), he is intellectually lazy, lacks gravitas, is coarse, petty, insecure, inarticulate, and, as a result, can’t beat a Democrat and is therefore bad for Republicans.
And while there were irregularities in the 2020 election (votes in key swing states that did not meet their state legislature’s requirements and MSM burying the Hunter Biden laptop story) and Trump was treated unfairly by the MSM and administrative state propagating false narratives (Russian collusion and system racism), he lost the election.
Please ignore Trump like a crazy uncle at Thanksgiving and hope he goes away.