Pass HR2

Requires a functioning electronic employment eligibility system and that companies use it
Restarts and expands border wall
Denies any rights for people who try to sneak into the country. They must present themselves at port of entry
Allows illegal aliens to be sent to another country
Authorizes DHS to close border to achieve operational control
Lets Federal Government not States set detention facility standards for minors
Lets CBP make decisions for unaccompanied minors too young to understand what is happening
Bar funds from being disbursed to NGOs that “facilitate or encourage unlawful activity,”
Enforces the current law that asylum seekers be detained until their case is settled
Discourages fraudulent asylum seekers
Criminalizes overstaying a legal visa
Allows release of asylum seekers into the US while their cases are being resolved
Lets asylum seekers work in the United States
Funds NGO’s encouraging and facilitating illegal immigration’s
Makes asylum seeking quicker and easier
Facilitate The proposal claims it will add resources and change procedures to expedite asylum claims resolution.
Has a relaxed and ambiguous definition for valid asylum claims.
Gives the Secretary of the DHS the sole and nonreviewable discretion, but not requirement, to stop allowing entry of asylum seekers, at a level of almost 2,000,000 asylum seekers per year.