Lab Leak Update
Why it matters exactly? - 28 million died
Chinese virus - COVID/SARS-CoV-2 was almost certainly from a lab leak
Matt Ridley @mattwridley has great summary.
A virus that has the exact same sequence inserted into the exact same location of the exact same gene into the exact type of virus as was proposed in a grant application to be done by the exact same lab at the exact same location at the epicenter of the pandemic involved in the proposal.
Keep in mind:
1. Grants often describe preliminary work that has already been done.
2. Wuhan had collected thousands of SARS viruses.
3. China had partial sequence with 100% homology to SARS-CoV-2 from years before.
4. When China first published SARS-CoV-2 sequence in 2020 they obfuscated a key portion.
5. China had actually sequenced in 2018