Despite the denials, Kamala has been one of the most radically left wing politicians since entering the national stage. Her support of spending beyond Biden’s profligate level makes Kamalanomics scarier than Bidenomics
From City Journal
When Harris was in the Senate, she introduced and co-sponsored bills that would have dramatically shifted U.S. policy leftward. In 2019, she unveiled a $10 trillion plan to reduce greenhouse gases to zero by 2045—five years faster than proposed in the uber-progressive Green New Deal. Harris also advocated for an end to fracking, a measure that, had it taken effect, would have stopped about two-thirds of all oil production in the United States.
Her health-care record is similarly progressive. In 2017, Harris co-sponsored Sanders’s “Medicare for All” bill, which would have ended private insurance in America; “It’s just the right thing to do,” she said of her support for the bill. In preparation for her 2020 presidential campaign, she released a new plan that still would have extended Medicare to all Americans but that allowed private insurers to offer a plan within the government-run system. Both proposals were on the left of the Democratic Party, even the increasingly liberal party of the past five years.
Indeed, Harris was not shy about tacking further left than her progressive compatriots. Whereas Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s 2019 “FAMILY Act” would have provided three months of paid family leave at 66 percent of workers’ salaries on taxpayers’ dime, Harris proposed supporting up to six months of leave at up to 100 percent of workers’ income. She introduced the “Housing Is Infrastructure Act” in 2019, which would have spent $100 billion on new housing, including $70 billion set aside for publicly owned units. She also supported Sanders’s plan to make community colleges and even four-year public universities free for students from low- and middle-income families, despite an exorbitant price tag that Sanders said would amount to “at least $48 billion per year.”
The then-California senator was especially radical during the pandemic. For example, she proposed $2,000 per month per person in free cash for the vast majority of U.S. households. She also introduced a bill that would have capped price increases at 10 percent during national emergencies. Had it been in force amid the inflationary period after the pandemic, such a policy could have created massive shortages across the economy.