EXPEDITE the Vaccine!

(Updated 11/24/20 Originally Published 11/19/20)
Now that the Independent Safety Panel has released the data for Moderna and Pfizer it appears there are two very effective vaccines. Now we need the Government bureaucracy of the FDA to move quickly. We have ~1,485 1,125 people dying every day(45,170 37,000 every month) so hopefully the FDA recognizes the need to move quickly. Right now optimistically (dramatically faster than normal and anything before) it is estimated that:
Companies will submit data to FDA within days [happened 11/20]
FDA will have their internal review (1-2 weeks)
FDA will have independent panel of doctors review (1-2 weeks) [scheduled Dec 10]
FDA decides (1 week)
CDC holds public hearing to review data and explore who should get and when (1 week)
CDC decides who should get when.(1 week)
Why not start the independent panel of Doctor review and CDC review in parallel and maybe get this done in 2-3 weeks instead of 7 or more?
Also, please, PLEASE don't inject politics (trying to avoid giving Trump administration any credit for speed of the vaccine) and let's hope we don't delay the process while we argue/struggle with unimportant (compared to the magnitude of the problem) issues like identity politics (have studied vaccine in enough "groups."
Let's save lives and EXPEDITE the vaccine!