Biden’s Failure (or lies)

No indications our people are having difficulty getting to the airport
There’s no Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan
We needed tens of thousands of troops and trillions of dollars to maintain the stalemate in Afghanistan
Nothing but respect from our allies
There’s no national interest in stopping Afghanistan from becoming a terrorist state again
We will protect women’s rights in Afghanistan
We planned for every contingency
Washington Post - This is a moral disaster, one attributable not to the actions of military and diplomatic personnel in Kabul — who have been courageous and professional, in the face of deadly dangers — but to mistakes, strategic and tactical, by Mr. Biden and his administration.
Biden not willing to enforce Trump’ agreement. He’s more than willing to abrogate Trump’s other policies and agreements.
Taliban violating key provisions: ceasefire;Afghan negotiations; not allow use of Afghanistan soil to threaten the US; and allow Afghans to seek asylum.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali “The recklessness of the Biden team continues to astound me. It really is as if they are deaf, dumb, and blind – ignoring not only what is happening on the ground in Afghanistan but also what has happened in multiple similar situations throughout history.”
Allies thoughts. London Telegraph
“A few days ago, the G7 met – not to agree any plan of action, but to beg Biden to hold the airport for a few days longer. He refused.
The integrity of Nato is certainly up for question now. Afghanistan was supposed to be a Nato mission but it was ended by Washington without involving any of the supposed allies.”
BERNARD-HENRI LéVY - Worse than a crime, this is a mistake. And, worse than a mistake, it is a stain. A stain on the term of Joe Biden, whose first dramatic error this is. But also, in a greater sense, this stain dishonours the modern conscience. It will take a long time for that conscience to forget this failure, this shame.