Biden’s Border BS

Biden’s Border BS
There is no bipartisan Senate Immigration Bill. The Senate was unable to pass their proposed bill because it didn’t have sufficient Republican support because it was a bad bill, it wasn’t needed, and was far inferior to the House of Representatives bill HR 2.
What’s wrong with Senate proposal.
The proposed Senate bill NEVER CLOSED the border. It gave the Secretary of Homeland Security the sole and non-reviewable DISCRETION to close the border ONLY AFTER 5000 illegal immigrants per day. This essentially codifies a practice of letting in large numbers of illegal aliens.
It relaxed the requirement of asylum eligibility from significant possibility to reasonable possibility.
It limits the review of any judicial issue or question to the 11th Circuit Court which is the DC Circuit Court, with what some claim has a progressive bias, and would prohibit border states from seeking relief from their local federal district courts.
Whatever illegal immigrants are allowed into the country for processing, if the processing is not completed in 90 days, they are released into the country with permission to work.
While the proposal provides funding to add additional resources for evaluating asylum seekers, you have to trust that the Biden Administration would actually in good faith:
try to resolve claims in 90 days;
would actually use Border Emergency Authority to close the border once limits were met; and,
in judicial proceedings advocate for the more strict and narrow interpretation of the law.
Why is the Senate proposal not needed?
The Senate proposal is not needed because the President already has legal authority to control illegal immigration.
Title 8, U.S. Code, sec. 1225(b)(1)(B)(IV) states: Any alien subject to the procedures under this clause shall be detained pending a final determination of credible fear of persecution and, if found not to have such a fear, until removed.
Title 8 U.S. Code, sec 1182(f): Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
Why is the House Bill better?
Requires a functioning electronic employment eligibility system and that companies use it
Restarts and expands border wall
Denies any rights for people who try to sneak into the country. They must present themselves at port of entry
Allows illegal aliens to be sent to another country
Authorizes DHS to close border to achieve operational control
Lets Federal Government not States set detention facility standards for minors
Lets CBP make decisions for unaccompanied minors too young to understand what is happening
Bar funds from being disbursed to NGOs that “facilitate or encourage unlawful activity,”
Enforces the current law that asylum seekers be detained until their case is settled
Discourages fraudulent asylum seekers
Criminalizes overstaying a legal visa
Allows release of asylum seekers into the US while their cases are being resolved
Lets asylum seekers work in the United States
Funds NGO’s encouraging and facilitating illegal immigration’s
Makes asylum seeking quicker and easier
Facilitate The proposal claims it will add resources and change procedures to expedite asylum claims resolution.
Has a relaxed and ambiguous definition for valid asylum claims.
Gives the Secretary of the DHS the sole and nonreviewable discretion, but not requirement, to stop allowing entry of asylum seekers, at a level of almost 2,000,000 asylum seekers per year.