Biden’s 11 Whoppers

1. America will release 30 million barrels from our own Strategic Petroleum Reserve. These steps will help blunt gas prices here at home.
This release is equivalent to 0.42% of our daily usage or 1.5 days. Does he really believe this will help pricing?
2. Our economy grew at a rate of 5.7% last year, the strongest growth in nearly 40 years
Once again Biden using arbitrary time frame. Dramatic growth is expected after severe shutdown
3. The $2 Trillion tax cut passed in the previous administration benefitted only the top 1% of Americans
The tax cuts had the largest reduction for the poorest and the richest has the smallest reduction.
4. I have a better plan to fight inflation.
Not so far
5. Our economy created over 6.5 Million new jobs just last year, more jobs created in one year than ever before in the history of America.
Arbitrary time frame taking advantage of the effect of the pandemic to make his number sound special. However, if you compare post pandemic performance, it’s not so special.
6. And under my plan, nobody earning less than $400,000 a year will pay an additional penny in new taxes.
When you raise taxes on corporations, that additional cost is passed on to customers through higher prices, employees through lower wages, and investors with lower returns. It also reduces the size of the economy which hurts everyone.
7. Let’s make sure corporations and the wealthiest Americans start paying their fair share.
What does he mean by fair. The richest pay by far the greatest percent of taxes and the highest rate.
8. Thanks to the progress we have made this past year, COVID-19 we’ll be able to deploy new vaccines within 100 days instead of many more months or years
Despite his promise to “end Covid”, more people have died during his administration than the Trump administration from a disease that hehad a year to prepare for and that he had access to a vaccine that was developed by the Trump administration. He failed to make a new vaccine for Delta or Omicron
9. Repeal the liability shield that makes gun manufacturers the only industry in America that can’t be sued
Gun manufacturers can be sued for defective devices and illegal sales. They can’t be sued for misuse of their product. Just like cars (if you run someone over no liability for car manufacturer), knifes (if you stab someone no liability for manufacturer), TV’s (if you hit someone over the head no liability for TV manufacturer.)
10. We need to secure the Border
So far he is failing. Dramatic increase in SW border apprehensions, not to mention those that get away.
11. We will save democracy
In the State of the Union address Biden said, "We will save Democracy."
But almost immediately following says, "Let me be clear, our forces will not engage in conflict with Russian forces in Ukraine."
These two statements are completely irreconcilable!
If the US/NATO/EU are not willing to implement a No-Fly zone in Western Ukraine and step up their military assistance Putin wilk take Ukraine. Despite the heroic bravery of the Ukrainians, they are match against a much larger army with dramatic advantage in numbers of tanks and aircraft.
Putin is evil, he will be as ruthless and be as vicious as necessary to take Ukraine unless he is stopped.
Sanctions will not be quick enought, a Russian coup/uprising will not happen in time.
Biden's actions and inactions are giving Putin the Ukraine.