An Insurrection?
You must keep your perspective
I have a hard time understanding the Democrats' and the liberal media's disproportionate concern about the actions of a few hundred of idiots and their characterizing these actions as an insurrection threatening our Democracy as well as ascribing white supremacy beliefs to people who voted for Trump. Look at the numbers.
74 million voted for Trump.
10's of 1000's attended the rally Jan 6
1000's marched to the Capital
100's broke into the Capital
10's had evil intent at least 1 of which was a black BLM activist
The graphs illustrates the relative numbers. You have to magnify the categories to actually be able to see the numbers relative to the voters.

This selective outrage and concern is not dissimilar to difference between the Democrats' and liberal media's response to the violence over this past summer compared to January 6th.
Which insurrection concerns you more?