As predicted Obamacare made a bad health care system bigger.
Lower premiums
Ruduce the deficit
Reduce costs
Save lives
Only US citizens
Simplify insurance
Employer penalties
Economic growth
Efficient Medicaid
Keep your doctor
Individual market
Less ER usage
Obama care failed for one reason... it was written with the insurance companies, the doctors, and the pharma companies writing the bill. At no point did anyone look out for the patient... the AMA for damn due isn't going to, and nobody would even think that pharma or insurance companies would.
If we truly want a public health initiative that is going to work to MAHA we need to get those the organizations out of the conversation. Ask experts in public sanitation, exercise, nutrition, and oral & nasal hygiene what needs to be done to MAHA.
FROM 1875 to 1975 we saw the largest increase in longevity, quality of life, and reduction in illnesses. This reduction started long before we had 35 vaccines, long before antibiotics, and for damn sure a long time before they thrust gene shots on us. The vast majority of this decline in illnesses had nothing to do with the Healthcare system that has claimed responsibility.... it came from clean water being popped to our houses, it came from bathing and washing our hands, it came from brushing out teeth and yes washing our nose, and from the dirty water being taken away and treated.
The true heros of the original MAHA were the plumbers and the "sanitation engineers"